Victor Osimhen
Date of Birth 29.12.1998
Age 25
Nat. Nigeria  Nigeria
Height 1,86m
Contract until Jun 30, 2026
Position Centre-Forward
Foot right
Current club SSC Napoli
Interested club Paris Saint-Germain

Stats 23/24

Total 23/24: 32174
probability 29 %  
29 %  
Last valuation: May 30, 2024
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Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен?

Jan 1, 2023 - 7:30 PM hours
«ПСЖ» интересуется форвардом «Наполи» Виктором Осимхеном
«ПСЖ» интересуется форвардом «Наполи» Виктором Осимхеном, сообщает Le10sport.

По информации источника, несмотря на то что парижане имеют сильнейшую линию нападения, в которую входят Лионель Месси, Килиан Мбаппе и Неймар, в клубе задумываются об усилении атакующей мощи в следующем сезоне.

Сообщается, что спортивный директор неаполитанцев Кристиано Джунтоли во время визита в Париж беседовал не только о возможном приобретении игроков «ПСЖ» Фабиана Руиса и Кейлора Наваса, но и о кандидатуре Осимхена.

В 11 матчах итальянского первенства в текущем сезоне нигериец забил девять голов и дважды ассистировал партнёрам. По ходу нынешнего первенства Осимхен сумел стать лучшим нигерийским бомбардиром в истории первенства Италии.

Подробнее на «Чемпионате»:
Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен? |#1
Mar 13, 2023 - 10:17 PM hours
Rosną szanse Paris Saint-Germain na hitowy transfer gwiazdy Napoli
Victor Osimhen could leave Napoli in the summer. The striker is having a great season and is attracting interest from the strongest teams. His agent is working on a transfer to Paris Saint-Germain.
Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен? |#2
Mar 22, 2023 - 11:23 PM hours
Victor Osimhen w blokach startowych do wielkiego transferu. Gigant jest chętny na wydanie 150 milionów euro
Paris Saint-Germain does not lose hope of strengthening the position of the centre-forward. While the players are competing in international matches, Luís Campos will meet Victor Osimhen's agent, Santi Aouna of reported.
Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен? |#3
May 19, 2023 - 10:15 PM hours
PSG gotowe zainwestować 100 milionów euro w transfer napastnika. Paris Saint-Germain zdecydowało, że może przeznaczyć na angaż Victora Osimhena 100 milionów euro - informuje RMC Sport.
Luís Campos, sports director, had already held the first talks with the SSC Napoli player's entourage and it seemed that everything was moving in the right direction. Then the Nigerian himself gave priority to Premier League clubs - Chelsea and Manchester United.

RMC Sport reports that Paris Saint-Germain are not going to let go so easily. The helmsmen of this team came to the conclusion that they are able to invest EUR 100 million in the entire operation.
Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен? |#4
Jun 22, 2023 - 10:13 AM hours
Paris Saint-Germain mocno stara się o nowego napastnika. Na radarze znajdował się Victor Osimhen, ale tylko do momentu, gdy Napoli zażądało za swoją największą gwiazdę 180 milionów euro – przekazało „Le Parisien”.
According to "Le Parisien", the Parisians made an inquiry about the valuation of the top scorer. The response knocked activists off their feet. The amount of EUR 180 million has fallen.

The French champions immediately announced that they did not intend to waste energy on negotiations. So they will probably focus on Harry Kane, who, contrary to appearances, will also not be easy to get out of Tottenham - except that the Englishman has only one year left on a valid contract.
Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен? |#5
Jun 23, 2023 - 9:52 AM hours
PSG szykuje się na odejście Mbappe. Ogromna oferta za gwiazdę Serie A
Kylian Mbappe's departure from Paris Saint-Germain seems increasingly real. Alfredo Pedulla from Sportitalia argues that the Parisians intend to replace their star with Victor Osimhen, and their offer far exceeds what Premier League clubs are offering for the Nigerian.

As reported by well-informed Sportitalia journalist Alfredo Pedulla, PSG are already preparing an offer for Victor Osimhen. An offer, let's add, not just any. Parisians are willing to offer SSC Napoli an amount that - including bonuses - will reach 150 million euros. Aurelio De Laurentiis has been sending mixed signals recently. He emphasized that the Nigerian is close to extending his contract, but if the club receives an offer for him in the category of "unrecognisable", they will have to consider it. The proposal of the French seems to be just that. Even Premier League teams are not willing to pay more than 100 million euros for the 24-year-old.
Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен? |#6
Feb 16, 2024 - 1:42 PM hours
Napoli striker Victor Osimhen features prominently on Paris Saint-Germain’s transfer shortlist after Kylian Mbappe informed the club of his intention to leave this summer.
Osimhen ist einer der Kandidaten für die Mbappé-Nachfolge bei PSG.
Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен? |#7
Feb 17, 2024 - 9:35 AM hours
Il tormentone Osimhen rischia di non essere soltanto una hit dell’estate. La notizia dell’addio di Mbappé al Psg ha aperto ufficialmente – e con largo anticipo – la corsa al suo successore e il nome dell’attaccante nigeriano del Napoli è ovviamente nella lista del presidente Nasser Al Khelaifi, e pure in una posizione di prestigio. In fondo, centravanti così in giro per il mondo ce ne sono pochi e Osimhen viene da una stagione che lo ha consacrato a livello mondiale: ottavo posto nella classifica del Pallone d’oro, capocannoniere della Serie A e miglior attaccante del campionato italiano, Pallone d’oro africano e status di giocatore decisivo riconosciuto anche nelle notti di Champions.
Die Gazzetta dello Sport sieht Osimhen in ihrer heutigen Ausgabe als Favoriten auf die Mbappé-Nachfolge. Weder das Gehalt des Nigerianers noch seine 130 Millionen Euro schwere Ausstiegsklausel würde Paris demnach von einer Verpflichtung abhalten. Eine Hürde könnte jedoch sein, dass der 25-Jährige von einem Engagement in der Premier League träumt. Hier hilft es den Franzosen möglicherweise, dass der FC Chelsea, Ex-Klub von Osimhens Idol Didier Drogba, wohl die Champions League verpassen wird.
Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен? |#8
Apr 6, 2024 - 10:21 AM hours
PSG are willing to pay Victor Osimhen's £111.5m release clause to sign the striker from Napoli this summer.

(Source: Corriere dello Sport)
Victor Osimhen в Пари Сен-Жермен? |#9
Apr 11, 2024 - 12:00 PM hours
Ciao ciao Italia. Sono le ultime sette gare in serie A per Victor Osimhen che ormai è vicinissimo al Paris St. Germain. L’accordo è davvero a un passo, nel senso che ormai c’è molto di più di una parola tra il nigeriano e il suo staff e i vertici della famiglia Al Thani. Parigi è la prima scelta del fenomeno di Lagos e il Psg ora ha fretta e prova a stingere i tempi. La stella nigeriana arriverà a guadagnare oltre 13 milioni di euro per 4 anni, gestirà in proprio i diritti d’immagine ed è atteso da una serie di contratti importanti con gli sponsor del Qatar vicini al club del presidente Nasser Al-Khelaifi. Difficilmente potrà esserci un rilancio da parte di qualche club della Premier che possa far cambiare la rotta a un affare che pare davvero in dirittura. Ovviamente, il Psg deve definire il destino di Mbappé prima di limare gli ultimi dettagli. [...]
Das liest sich bereits sehr konkret: Wie die in Neapel ansässige Lokalzeitung Il Mattino schreibt, hat Osimhen Paris Saint-Germain bereits sein Wort gegeben, die Rede ist sogar schon von einer Einigung auf einen Vierjahres-Vertrag. Der Nigerianer würde demnach in Paris ein Jahresgehalt von 13 Millionen Euro verdienen. Die Klub-Präsidenten Nasser Al-Khelaifi und Aurelio de Laurentiis haben überdies ein so gutes Verhältnis, dass sie sich schnell auf Zahlungsmodalitäten für die Ausstiegsklausel über 120 Millionen Euro einigen werden. Trotz des England-Traums habe Osimhen PSG mittlerweile den Vorzug eingeräumt, heißt es.

Anderslautende Meldungen kommen heute aus Turin, wo die Tuttosport berichtet, dass Paris statt Osimhen mittlerweile Inters Marcus Thuram ganz oben auf der Liste möglicher Mbappé-Nachfolger hat. Der wäre mit rund 80 Millionen Euro auch preiswerter.
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